2019年12月22日 23:15  点击:[]

学术报告题目:Characterising the path-independence of stochastic differential equations: a problem arising in financial modeling


报告时间: 2020年16日(星期一)15:30-16:30


报告摘要This talk will address a problem arising in financial modelling with stochastic differential equations (SDEs). A characterisation theorem will be derived in which we establish a new link from SDEs to nonlinear parabolic PDEs. Starting from the necessary and sufficient conditions of the path-independence of the density of Girsanov transform for SDEs, we are able to derive a characterisation by means of nonlinear parabolic equations of Burgers-KPZ type. Extensions to the cases of degenerated SDEs, jump SDEs, as well as to (infinite dimensional) SDEs on separable Hilbert spaces will be discussed. A perspective to stochastically deformed dynamical systems will be briefly considered.
